Thursday, September 23, 2010

2 years...

How can it possibly be two years already? Two years ago tomorrow, my life changed in a way that I never expected. Changed in a way that now almost defines who I am. September 24, 2008 was the day we found out about Greyson's spina bifida. I won't go into detail about that all know it by now. Most of you reading this have had your own day. As I sit here tonight, I can't help but wonder if there will ever be a time where I feel like that person again. The person I was before September 24, 2008. That person didn't know anything about spina bifida, tethered cord, hydrocephalus, AFOs, the difference between a programmable vs. non-programmable shunt, the signs of a shunt malfunction, what a VCUG was, what a urodynamics was, that person most certainly COULD NOT cath someone. That person didn't lie awake at night feeling like I didn't do enough PT that day, or lie awake going over the pros and cons of getting KAFOs over AFOs, she didn't worry about appointments, or make a list of the different medical supply companies to call trying to find the right catheters, or know the fear of the surgical family waiting room... BUT, that person didn't know how much she could love another person. Didn't know what it was like to cry tears of joy over her baby sitting up by himself for the first time, or rolling over. She didn't know what it would sound like the first time her son would say "mama" the or what it would feel like the first time he would give her a hug. She had no idea how she could just look at his face and know exactly what he needed. I never knew this kind of love before and I am SO GLAD that I will never be that person again. The person who took things for granted...took life for granted. As hard and as sad as that day life has changed in the best way, I have become the person that I was meant to be...this little guy's mama...

Friday, September 17, 2010

MRI results

GOOD NEWS!!! Today, we had our appointment with Grey's neurosurgeon and his MRI hasn't changed from last year! His doctor explained that the changes in his bladder are most likely due to the bladder maturing and changing. His tethered cord, syrinx, and arnold chiari malformation haven't changed at all!! He was pleased with the progress that Grey is making and we don't need to go back until our next scheduled clinic appointment which is in May!!! God is SO Good!!

Our Little Rockstar

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

MRI Day...

Waiting...Waiting...Waiting. Grey has been back for about an hour now and we are thinking that it will take another 1-2 before the MRI is complete (depending on if they want to use contrast or not, they won't know until they start) To say that Grey was amazing this morning would be a GIANT understatement. He. Did. Awesome. He wasn't able to have anything to eat or drink and you would never even know it. I did hear "I want chiPPPP" "I want cheeeeese" "I want deenk" and "nack" (snack) quite a few times, but there weren't any tears or tantrums. He just read books and played while we waited. Grey makes being his mom so easy. :) I just love that boy!

We have our appointment with Dr. Foody, Grey's neurosurgeon on Friday and will let you know what we find out. We are praying hard that his tethered cord and syrnix are both stable and that a surgery won't be in Grey's near future. Keep those prayers coming! :)

This video isn't from today, but it gives you an idea of what we heard this morning. (Don't pay any attention to the fact that he is sitting in a laundry basket watching the spin cycle. :) His favorite stuffed animal "orie" was in there and he likes to watch him take a "bass" (bath)).

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

BIG update!

Where have we been? I feel like it has been ages since we've done an actual update on how things are going over here goes!!

Here is Grey on his first day of school
(I know he looks like he's going to College...but no, he's still just a baby. :)

This past week Grey started back up at The Conductive Learning Center and I couldn't have been more excited! We had the summer off from most therapies and I was itching to get back into it. There is only so much that we can do on our own here, and it is always nice to get a fresh perspective on things. Already in this first week, Grey stood at the bar for the first time all by himself! It only lasted a few seconds, but those few seconds were pretty amazing. :) I couldn't wait to call Andy when class was over to tell him what a great day Grey had. We go everyday from 8:30-11:30 so it took a few days for Grey to adjust to the new schedule but he is now back in the swing of things and doing so so well! We are so proud!

This is Grey's new "smile for the camera" face

Grey is also starting to talk up a storm! He now can say "ready...GO!" "one two three" "All done" "I deenk" (I drink) "tee-eee" (TV...not super excited that he is saying that one, but he loves to play with the remote) "own" (phone)...swing, slide, chip, mommy, daddy, grandma, papa, yes, no, shirt, sock, nice, down, up, in, out...all of those have their own variations and he pretty much repeats EVERYTHING that we say. It is just so much fun to hear all of these new words. We will for sure get some video of this soon! He is also pointing to most of his body parts (eye, nose, mouth, ear, toes, hair) We pretty much think that he is the smartest person ever...seriously. :) He also fake yawns which is favorite!
Overall, things here have been going pretty great! Grey does have an MRI coming up next week that we could use some prayers about. His urologist and neurosurgeon want to get a better look at things to make sure that his new bladder issues aren't due to his tethered spinal cord or his syrinx. We are praying that his bladder has just changed on it's own and that we can continue with what we are doing without having to think about another surgery. Please keep us in your prayers next week! The MRI is on Tuesday and our follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon is on Friday. Thankfully we won't have to wait too long to hear the results.

Here are some of our recent pics...we just can't get enough of this kid!!

Ugh! What can I say? I just love him!!

Playing with play doh...such an artist! :)

Grey working on that standing...he's gettin' good!

OK, as I was typing this, I decided to see if I could get some "proof" it is!! ENJOY! :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

just a few family pictures

Hello all,

Last weekend grey was zooming around in his stander (he's getting better everytime) and when he finally came to a stop we decided to snap a few family pictures. He's the best!


The Gibbs'

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Favorite Things...

It's time to lighten the mood around here, and what better way to do that then pictures!! :) I thought that I would go over a few of Grey's favorite no particular order...

Being thrown in the air. It doesn't matter what is going on, if he is crying about something he instantly forgets all about it with just a slight toss in the air. He loves it!

Folding his hands together. I'm not sure why, but lately this kid has been folding his hands every chance he gets. Maybe he is trying to show off his sitting skills (look ma, no hands!) I'm not sure, but it's pretty darn cute!
Riding the bike with daddy...hahahaha! Yeah right! Take a look at the expression on his face! He is NOT a fan of the bike. I think that the helmet has a lot to do with his dislike of the bike...sorry kid, the helmet is a must! :) We made it to the park tonight without too much crying, although I pretty much had to ride RIGHT next to them talking about the park and the swings the whole time!
His car! He loves it! Even walking thru the garage to get to my car, he wants to stop and take a ride! He goes crazy with the steering wheel. I have a feeling that this guy is going to be a great driver one day!

Swimming! He is getting very brave and loves putting his face in. He is actually way to confident on those stairs and thinks that he can just do whatever he wants on them. He forgets that he doesn't actually know how to swim. :)

Carson! Whenever we will be somewhere with Carson I always say "You want to go see Carson?" and Grey laughs and laughs! He loves him. Loves petting his hair, loves taking off his glasses, loves to rest his head on Carson...I think that Carson is even starting to like Grey too. :)

Ok, here is a video of Grey showing off his skills on the steps and also showing off some new words! Andy and I had no idea that he even said this until we were home watching the video. "Ready?...GO!"

Here is another video of Grey "jumping" in. We are so lucky that my parents have a pool, our summer would be so boring without it!

I also wanted to say thank you so much for all of the thoughts and support after that last post. You will all be happy to hear that we are all pros at cathing and it really is no big deal. It meant so much to us to have all of those supportive comments after such a tough week. This weekend has been great and we are so over last week! :)

Love to all,
Leigh, Andy and Grey

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Reality set in big time for us this week. We had quite a few appointments and learned some things that we were so hoping Grey wouldn't have to deal with yet. A few weeks ago Greyson had some urological testing done. He had had three UTIs in about a month and a half and we knew that things weren't right. We have always known that Grey has what is called a neurogenic bladder, that wasn't being completely emptied. Up until this point he hasn't been bothered by this and has been doing great in the urological department. He has had a renal ultrasound (ultrasound of his kidneys and bladder) at least every 4 months since he was born, and things have always looked good. Well, since these recent UTIs his urologist wanted to do some further testing. We went in one day for a renal ultrasound, VCUG, and urodynamics, (my SB peeps will know what I'm talking about, to everyone else...these are just extensive tests on the bladder and kidneys) praying that we wouldn't find out anything too severe and that we could get to the bottom of these UTIs. During the test, our urologist's resident came in and was watching as the technician took her pictures, and right away he had a look on his face that told me that something wasn't right. He explained that Grey has grade 4-5 reflux in his left kidney and a high pressure bladder. This means that instead of the bladder emptying out the urine it spasms and pushes the urine back into his kidney. This is not good. If left untreated this could lead to severe kidney damage. This is very common with kids who have spina bifida, yet we still felt shocked that it could happen to Grey (I know, we shouldn't have been shocked.) Grey has just been doing so well that I often times don't even think about SB. OK, that's a lie, I think about SB everyday...but I don't always think of it in a bad way. I think..."this is manageable, this is doable" Well, on this day it hit me hard. He does have spina bifida and it will effect him in so many ways for the rest of his life. Not to mention the fact that while we were waiting for this appointment Grey was playing with a little car and a little boy (probably younger than him) came up to him and grabbed his car and ran off. Grey screamed (not cried, but screamed) and then sat there watching the little boy play with his car. He couldn't do anything to get his car back, luckily the other mom brought it back over, but the damage was done my heart was broken and I wanted so badly to know what Grey was thinking. Was he sad, mad, wondering why that little boy could walk and he couldn't? Maybe he didn't care, I don't know. He started playing again and was as happy as ever, so most likely he is too young to even notice...but when will he? Ok, I got waaaay off track...back to the kidney...Well, a week after the tests we had a follow up appointment with the urologists to go over the results and come up with a plan. Here is the part that gets tricky. Do I tell the world (like the whole world is reading this or something) the plan, or do I keep this private for Grey? At some point he isn't going to want me talking to everyone about this, but for now, I don't think he cares. :) For those of you who are in our situation, or will be soon...I'm sure that you are curious and wondering. The plan is to start cathing 4 times a day and to take a low-dose antibiotic daily to prevent any more UTIs. We knew that this day was coming, and to be honest we were prepared and ok with it. We want to do whatever is best for Grey...we just wish that it wasn't needed. We wish that his bladder and kidneys weren't effect by the big bad spina bifida. But they are so we will deal with it. The first day of cathing was hard. Andy was a pro at it from the begining, me...not so much. The first day was spent being totally frustrated and crying to the nurse. Grey and I went back in and I was taught again...and now I am a pro. :) Grey is the best and just plays with whatever toy we give him and is as happy as ever. So as we enter this new phase, we are just taking it one day at a time...just as we always do. :)

Sorry this post is a little down, here is a picture to lighten the mood...

Here is Grey floating all by himself...we couldn't be prouder...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

stayin cool

Well its August now and the weathers really getting hot lately...But don't worry, Grey's found a way to stay cool. :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

rollin downhill

Just the other day the three of us were hangin out and Leigh decided to start rolling down the hill in our backyard... Grey thought this was pretty funny and proceeded to try it himself. take a look for yourself!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grey's Mobile Stander and oh yeah, the 4th of July

Wow the fourth of July has come and gone already... We're a little slow to get some new photos of the Holiday Weekend up, but here's a few!

The weekend was great, we started by going to the parade. Grey didn't care too much about it, but he was into giving everyone hugs (we weren't complaining)
Here he is giving his cousin Olivia a great big one :)

We made our way to the park for lunch...and took pictures (big surprise) :)

Not too long ago Grey's therapist brought over a mobile stander. What's a mobile stander? Well it helps Grey work on standing, but also allows him to move around freely, because it has wheels. I'll be honest, when i saw it I was like "oh man, that thing's a big giant contraption, how is grey gonna work this thing?" WE'll it took Grey about 2 seconds to figure this one out and he was off! He loves it! So while we were at the park we took over the tennis courts and he showed us his moves. He's really good at it! :)

this is what it looks like.

I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda hard for both Leigh and I to see the stander, i mean it basically resembles a wheelchair and it was just one of those weak moments we had as parents. But when Grey was in it, laughing and smiling it kinda didn't matter anymore. He's amazing and I love him!

Here's a short video of him showin off.

Ohh yeah and we celebrated with fireworks!

Love to all,

Andy, Leigh, Grey

Saturday, July 3, 2010

SB Conference...

Andy and I had the opportunity to go to this years National spina bifida conference. We went with our friends Nate and Emily and although we had to leave our boys behind, we managed to have a great time! While there I was able to meet the first mom that I spoke to after finding out about Grey's SB. What a pleasure it was to meet her face to face. Seeing her son Nate run around was even more amazing than I thought it would be. I was also able to meet another mom who has answered many of my questions over the past year and a half, and a sweet baby girl and her parents who makes me smile every time I see her sweet face. Putting real life faces to these names that I know so well, was such a great feeling. Having a child with SB is an automatic entry into this club that I'm not always thrilled to be in. However, this club is full of amazing families and kids who I cheer for everyday. Seeing Jet stand up, Annabelle moving right along, Katie do a jog-a-thon, Nellie take steps with her walker, Alex scoot forward, Brenden with his new walker, Roman working out on the lite gait, seriously the list could go on and on...these kids are such an inspiration, and their families lift me up when I need it. Their moms (sorry dads, but the moms stick together) can answer my questions and calm my fears, but above all...THEY GET IT!! They cheer right along with me when Grey reaches a milsestone that at one point felt unreachable. But...back to the conference...

This conference was full of families like ours! I have never seen so many wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, AFOs in my life! It was GREAT!! The conference lasted Monday-Wednesday and was FULL of valuable information. I won't lie, there were times where we were on SB overload but for the most part, we learned so much and had a great time! I'm really looking forward to next year...ANAHEIM, CA...we're hoping that we can make it...WITH Grey this time!

I hope that you are all enjoying this wonderful holiday weekend!!

Love to all,
Leigh, Andy, and the G-man himself

Couldn't leave you without a picture!
Here is Grey working on standing! He is now able to stand leaning onto something for about 10 seconds!! WOO HOO!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Downhill Ride

I just thought we'd share a short little video of Grey doing some more "off-roadin," this time down the hill in our backyard.

AHHHH Summer, love it.


Andy, Leigh, Grey

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Grey's story

I've been meaning to write out Greyson's story and I finally have! Here it is...
Grey's story

Love to all!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Six month check up??

*disclaimer---for those that don't know, I (Leigh) am a dental hygienist...

Nope, Grey isn't ready for his first visit just yet...but we are getting him ready! :) When Grey first started popping in those teeth, I of course started brushing them. And by brushing, I mean holding him down while he screams and trying to cram a toothbrush in. Yeah, he wasn't a fan. Recently though, we have come to an understanding that brushing isn't all that bad. We take turns...first I start...

Then he gets a turn...
Yum...he wouldn't be doing a good job if he didn't get a big taste! :)

My turn again...(he occasionally pulls the "I'm not going to open" bit...)
And then he is back at it...making sure to get every nook and crany!

I sure love his crooked, crazy teeth!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cowboys and ice cream...

There really isn't too much to say about this...
Grey had his first ice cream cone over Memorial Day weekend...
He LOVED it!! (We knew he would!)

We were lucky and he wanted to share. :)
He also faced his fears about this guy
This was one of his Christmas gifts from grandma and grandpa Neal...but he just couldn't bring himself to ride it...until today...
Then we put his cowboy hat on and he REALLY got into it!

We finally decided to take it outside and he stayed on it for at least 20 minutes...just sitting there enjoying his ride...He was rockin' all over the place!
Wooaaahhh Horsey...
It was getting HOT and it was time to take a dip...I'm not really sure what kind of contraption Andy made with all of those noodles, but Grey seemed to like it!

It was quite the day for our little guy!! Ice cream, horses, and crazy noodles in the pool! Just a typical day for out Grey!!

In other Grey related news, he had his first UTI this past weekend. UGH!! NO FUN!! He is feeling much better now, but the poor baby was pretty sick over the weekend! He was back to himself by Monday and we are praying that we don't have to face another one of these for a LONG time!!!

Love to you all!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Grey is an animal

Well yesterday uncle jim and aunty em treated us to a trip to the zoo. Thanks again for bidding on those tickets at the fundraiser auction...worked out pretty good for everyone involved :) Anyway, it was a beautiful day to get out and check out the animals with the family. Turns out Grey was not exactly as pumped as uncle jim was to go to the zoo. Here he is on the way there...not too enthused.
But then when we got there, he was pretty happy!
That happiness soon faded when i pulled an "aunt pat" and wanted to get a picture of the three of us in front of the famous John Ball Statue. Just like my aunt Pat would do to us cousins every time we'd go anywhere!!! (love you for it though aunt Pat :) Here's the family, and what appears to be John Ball kissing my wifes head. hands off buddy

Grey was pretty happy as he entered the zoo stopping off and checking out the alligators, he was making his funny little noises he makes when he sees dogs and was quite content...untill we entered the aquarium...

this is when things went south...

we thought he might like the petting zoo...nope, hated it.

but wait... he kinda liked it.

We then made our way thru the zoo, and it was pretty cool. in fact heres a bear that was acting pretty cool!

So out of all the incredibly great animals that were there to view, Grey seemed the most excited with the drinking fountain...oh well. :)

oh but wait... now it was time to go and look how happy he is!!! rascal!

thanks again aunty em and uncle jimmy!

great times :)

love Andy, Leigh, & Grey