Thursday, February 12, 2009

Greyson Neal Gibbs

Hello everyone!
The 3 of us just wanted to give everyone a quick update while we have a few minutes. Greyson is doing well, we just got back from visiting and can't even describe the love we have for this little guy!!! He's amazing!

So a few details:

he was born at 7:48 AM, 7lbs 7 oz, and 20 inches long.

his surgery to close the opening in his back is scheduled for 3 this afternoon. We wont know much until after, but we are busting with JOY!!!

We promise to get more details up here later this evening.

Continue to pray for Greyson as he has to undergo his big surgery soon.

thank you deeply for the prayers and love.

we all love you very much,

Andy, Leigh, Greyson :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Let's do this thing!

Have you ever been so incredibly excited about something, yet scared out of your mind at the same time? Its an interesting clash of emotions and its what I've been feeling pretty much all day. In less than 11 hours ill be a Dad. Leigh and I will be responsible for a human, OUR little Gibblet!

It's really amazing where we were mentally, spiritually, and emotionally when we started this blog, and where we are now on this eve before we meet him. A complete turnaround would be an understatement! The growth I've experienced in every part of my life has been more than I could have ever imagined. Yes, I wish I could have experienced this growth without the circumstances my son will face, but that was not for me to decided.

So tonight Leigh and I lift up our son to God, knowing he has him in his hands always.

Thank you to everyone who is taking this journey with us. Our closest friends and family, to those we only know by a screen name. We thank you and love you!

Please send your love and prayers to our little Gibblet!

love, Leigh and Andy

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I can't even believe it but Thursday is the day that we will FINALLY be able to meet our son!!!! The doctor just called with the news that his lungs are mature and that it's a go!! You'd think that I'd be more nervous right now, but mostly I am just so overwhelmed with excitement, I can hardly stand it! So this is how the day "should" play out...

5:30 we arrive at the hospital
7:30 c-section begins
8:00 we'll be parents!!! :)

ok, the rest of the day we really have no idea, the Gibblet will most likely have his surgery by 1:00. We will post updates here as often as possible, so keep your computers on!! Love to you all! OH, and most importantly...thank you SO much for all of your prayers!! They worked! :) Keep 'em coming! :)


Monday, February 9, 2009

quick update...

I know that many of you are waiting to see how our amnio came out today but, we don't have any results just yet. The amnio itself went pretty well, although the little gibblet was moving all around and we had to do it twice...ouch! The doctor did call a few hours after the test was done and told me that his lungs were still "transitional" which basically means that it's not a definite negative or positive. We have to wait until tomorrow to get the exact number. So...long story short...look for another update tomorrow, oh and say some prayers tonight that he will be ready, we can't take much more of this!!! :)

Love, Leigh and Andy

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Still Waiting...

Today, I had an appointment with my regular doctor and things are looking good. It looks as if we will have another amniocentesis on Monday to check on the G-man's lungs and if all goes well with that, we will have our little guy on Thursday, February 12. Please pray that his lungs are developing and are where they need to be for delivery. This "wait and see" is starting to get the best of us and we just want to meet our little guy!! In the meantime, Andy and I thought it would be fun to start a little competition to see who could come closest to his birth weight. At our last ultrasound (which was a week and a half ago) he weighed approximately 6lbs. 6ozs. My guess is that he will weigh 7lbs. 13ozs. Andy is going with 7lbs. 8ozs. If anyone has a good guess, let us know!

Leigh and Andy

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not this thursday... UGHHH!!!

So we went yesterday for our amnio to check on the G-man's lung development (the c-section was scheduled for Thurs.) and apparently the little guy isn't ready to make his debut. AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! We were just SO ready for Thursday! In my head I know that this is a good thing, but ugh. Now it looks as if our date will be February 12. So basically 2 years from now. At least that's what it seems like to us. I guess we do all of the "lasts" again. Last time going out to eat, last time going to a movie, last time sleeping in on a Saturday morning, last free weekend, you get the idea. Although this throws us for a HUGE loop, we know that it is what's best for him. So everyone flip your calendars over to February and circle the 12th (maybe in pencil). :)

Leigh and Andy

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"non-stress" test

So Leigh went in on tuesday to have a "non-stress test" to check on the G-man's heart. Funny how they call them Non-stress tests... because there was a fair amount of stress for both Leigh and I, prior to the appointment. However it looks like the irregularity in his heartbeat fixed itself because everything seems fine this time. So that was a nice small victory. We are praying we've got a few more of those small victories tucked away. :) Anyway, Both of us are doing well and "livin-it up" as much as we can before the Gibblet makes his debut!

love Andy and Leigh (+1)