Andy says that he just earned mad points in the "coolness" department. I should also mention that he IS NOT a small man. Anyway, back to the point of this post...Grey's MRI results...they were pretty much what we thought that they would be. The Dr. started by saying that Grey's ACM II (malformation of the cerebellum) was present, but that it had good flow, and since he is showing no signs of it being symptomatic, it most likely never will be...very good news! He also said that Grey's spinal cord is tethered (100% of people with SB have a tethered cord) but that doesn't necessarily mean that it will cause problems. He said that the most common times when tethered cord issues arise are during growth spurts, so around the ages of 3-4 and 10-11, but like I said, it may never cause a problem, it's just another wait and see. He also mentioned that Grey has a small syrinx very low near where the cord is tethered. This is another thing that could cause problems at some point, but again, may not. One last thing that the Dr. mention was that Grey has something called corpus collosum dysplasia. I am NOT going to google this as I'm a bit terrified of what I will discover. I am going to take the Dr. at this word and consider this "no biggie." This is something that could effect coordination. These are all "normal" in the world of spina bifida and the Dr. was in NO way concerned about anything at this time.
So, overall, we have a positive outlook and a good feeling after that appointment. We know what to look for should any of these "maybes" come up. In the meantime, we will keep lovin' our boy! I should also mention that the Dr. was VERY impressed with Grey's sitting, rolling over, and crawling. Sure, he REFUSED to crawl on cue, but we threatened to pull out the videos and the Dr. believed us. :) Have a great weekend!!
Leigh, Andy and the G-man
So glad to hear that your appointment went well! It's great that you guys can achieve such a possitive mind set about the issues.
I never knew about the mini cooper, ha!
Don't be scared but when I see that picture of Grey in the highchair, I totally want to eat his face. =) He's SO stinkin' cute. And what a trooper! Kudos to you Grey, and your mom and dad are doing a pretty good job, too!
So happy to hear the good news on the MRI!!! and the new pics of Grey are priceless!!!!!
So glad there were no surprises. :) You know Grey best though so you KNOW how good he is doing. Just look at him! And you guys are so cool about meeting the doctors assessment without denial but at the same time without freaking out. Good for you guys! I look at your example and am encouraged. So cute - superman - how perfect!
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