Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Believe it or not the weather here in Michigan is finally beginning to look like spring. And to celebrate Grey's been playin. inside and out!

hahaha, Grey's trying to make the same face as his truck :)

So friday morning we are off to Florida!!!

We are all looking forward to taking some time off and just relaxing...ahhhh I can picture the beach right now. Hope Grey likes the beach, oh and airplanes :)

We'll be sure to post plenty of pics while on vacation. check back to see how vacation goes.

love to all,

the Gibbs'

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the move in

It's been a while since we've updated and a big reason for that is that we have been in the process of moving!!! Remember a few months back when we posted about how we incredibly sold our house in 4 days...we'll since then we found, closed and have moved into our new home!

Here's grey helping load things up.

We've been in our house for almost 2 weeks now and its starting to feel like home. At first we kinda felt like visitors in a new place. But as we started to unpack and get our own stuff in place, it quickly turned into home. :) We are very excited and blessed to have found such a perfect place for our family.

within A few days we had a swing up for Grey and he has been obsessed ever since. snow or sun, this kid loves to swing!!!

Grey has adjusted well to the new place. Here he is doing what he does...playing and stuff.

So things are going well at the Gibbs house (the new one) and we are all very excited for spring!
oh yeah, i had a birthday thrown in there too...29, here's to the last year of my twenties!!!

Grey and the Birthday boy.

love to all,

Andy, Leigh, Grey

Thursday, March 11, 2010

revision free

The other day Leigh asked me what the date was (we both lose track of days amongst the chaos of our lives right now) and I glanced at my phone and said it was the 5th of March. She say's "wow it's been a year since Grey had his shunt surgery."

I responded by thinking the same thing...Wow it's been a year already. A year with no revisions, complications, or emergency visits to the doctor. Oh, make no mistake there were plenty of those "Do you think it's his shunt" moments sprinkled throughout the year, but thankfully it never was. I pray every day his shunt will keep working like it is.

I'm not much for taking stock in statistics, especially after Grey was that 1 baby out of 1,000 that is born with spina bifida. Nope, Grey's not a stat or a percentage. Anyway, I do remember our neurosurgeon say something like 50% of kids with shunts need a revisions the first year.

Thata Boy GREY!!!

Here's to many, many more revision-free years!

This is Grey looking and being smart. :)

love to all,


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Grey's (and Leigh's) TV debut

I can't believe it's taken us this long to post this on here (oh wait I remember.. life has been crazy lately!) But for those of you that haven't seen this already Leigh and Grey were featured in a local news story about the Conductive Learning Center. Leigh's mentioned the CLC before and it's a wonderful place that is doing amazing things for a lot of great kids!

Check out the g-man as he makes his tv debut. And yes thats his buddy Carson and his mom Emily also making an appearance!!


more Gibbs family updates soon :)

