Wednesday, April 7, 2010

our vacation!!

It's hard to believe our vacation is more than half over!! arghhh!!! We've been having a blast. Here's a few pictures of what we've been up to.

Here's grey riding on the plane for the first time. He was great, but ordered a ton of stuff from the skymall catalog! silly
Grey loves the water!!! here he is with me at a water park.

All's he needs is a bucket of water and he's happy. He kinda likes the taste of saltwater too :)goof

I warned everyone that a flea market wasn't the greatest idea...i still bought a $3 hat and pair of sunglasses for Grey.

Grey found an Easter egg Sunday morning!

The funniest thing...The first couple times we took G down to the ocean his eyes got really heavy and rested his head on my shoulder... I was wondering why is this kid tired now? Then I recalled his sound machine that he falls asleep to almost every night is the OCEAN!!! makes sense that he would get sleepy.

Grey and I boogie boarding!!!

We've been having a blast, wish it wouldn't end!

love to all,

the Gibbs'


Holli said...

oh to be on a beach....looks like Grey is having a GREAT time, the one of him sleeping is soooo sweet!! Glad you guys are enjoying a well deserved vacay!!!

Joanna said...

Oh so fun! The beach looks fabulous and little G is so cute in his beach attire! So glad you guys had a nice time! Any plane travel tips...we're venturing out in July and we're a little spooked about the plane. :) Much love!