Today, Grey got his very first pair of KAFOs (knee ankle foot orthoses). These are braces that go above his knee and can be locked so that the knee has complete support when standing. I spent many nights worrying and debating weather or not we should stick with his GRAFOS (ground-reaction ankle foot orthoses) or take the leap and go with KAFOs. So far I am THRILLED with our decision! Grey's quads are extremely weak and it is nearly impossible for him to stand for any length of time without some sort of support for his knees, and trying to walk...forget about it. His knees would just buckle. We have been using knee immobilizers for months and for standing and walking they have been working pretty well, although they were getting much too small and we knew we didn't have much time left with them.
Grey with his knee immobilizers on
So, I went in to talk with Gabe...the most amazing orthotics guy around and he showed me something that I didn't even know existed. It's a KAFO that can turn back into a GRAFO...amazing.
See how it attaches near the ankle? Awesome.
At that point, it was a no-brainer. We knew that these were the braces for Grey! Before I show you what his new braces look like, I thought that we could take a stroll down memory lane and reminisce a little about his past AFOs...
Can you even handle this picture? I can't.
Grey got his first teensy tiny pair when he was just 3 months old. He had a curve to his foot, that if left untreated...would just get "curvier" so we strapped these bad boys on for about 20-22 hours a day and voila! his feet were (and still are) straight and beautiful!
I'm not sure what's cuter...the tiny AFOs or those chubby little legs!
Next came a pair that he only wore at night. This pair was to help with his plantar flexion (basically they pointed his foot down).
Here we are putting them on
and here he is just being cute. :)
Next he got his "standing AFOs" this was the first pair to help with standing.
Who is this kid?
snacks are always a good motivator
He also figured out how to take this pair off
His next pair were GRAFOS....they give a bit more support at the knee, you can tell in these pictures that there is an insert that goes above his knee in the front.
Next, it was time for the casting of his new is Gabe doing what he does best...
Grey's just keeping himself busy with the IPOD
And there you have it!!
How did we get from so little fast???
Grey at therapy...standing so tall!
Grey with his brand spakin' new KAFOs!!