Today was Grey's annual urodynamics/VCUG/renal ultrasound day. Not really something that we look forward to around here. (My SB friends will surely agree). Basically, this is a big 'ol test to check on Grey's bladder and kidneys. Last year, the results of this test were awful. His bladder was thick, super bumpy, and and the weirdest shape ever. (your bladder should look like a balloon...smooth, round, and thin) He had grade 4, out of 5, reflux (reflux=bad and should be at 0). This is the test that proved that we needed to start Grey on a cathing schedule, and the test that left me with one of my biggest worries. Since we started cathing Grey, he has been UTI free and doing pretty great in this department...or so we thought. 4 months ago Grey had another renal ultrasound that showed that his bladder wall was still crazy thick and his bladder looked like a piece of popcorn. Not good. So...we started on ditropan. Ditropan is a medication used to relax the bladder. To me, this was terrible news. I have heard terrible things about ditropan and this is the last thing that I wanted to be giving my little guy. But, I knew that it was what was best for his kidneys so we started it. The only side effect that he seems to be having is the overhearting (but it has also been a pretty hot summer) and we can totally deal with this.
Back to, Grey's bladder was SMOOTH, THIN, and kinda ROUND (still looks more like an oval) AND HIS REFLUX IS TOTALLY GONE! Yes, you heard me right...he no longer has reflux...AT ALL!! Last year I cried because I was so sad about the news we had heard and this year I cried because I was so so grateful.
I know that Grey's bladder and kidneys may not always look this way, but for now they do. :) As the parent of a child with spina bifida, I tend to always expect something. If it's an orthopedic appointment, I know that she is going to tell me what areas need to be stretched more, what muscles are lacking, and what more we need to be doing to help strengthen what he does have. If it's a neurosurgery appointment I know that he is going to give me the run down of what symptoms to keep an eye on for tethered cord. And, if it's urology, I know that I am going to hear all about reflux, and how thick his bladder wall is. and that it may be time to up his dose of ditropan. But today, today was so so different. We left with not just "ok" news...we left with amazing news. News that I can't stop smiling about and news that I can't stop giving thanks for. I couldn't wait to come and give you all, Grey's prayer warriors and biggest cheerleaders, this amazing news too! God is so good!
Love to all,
Leigh, Andy, and Grey
don't forget. :)