So today was much more relaxed and laid back. Even with several visitors to come and see the little guy, the day was way less intense than yesterday, but still incredibly great! So lets see, what happend today... Greyson was still pretty chill/zonked out from the morphine he was on and for most of the day was pretty content just laying on his belly. This evening around 7:30 he was off the ventilator and breathing on his own just fine, as well as off the morphine. It's time to wake up a little and stop just lazin' around all day!!! So this evening was the first time we was fed,not thru the IV,which was encouraging. Tomorrow we'll try to feed him a bottle, could be tricky with him on his belly, but we'll make it work. All his vital signs look normal, We put him on the Atkins diet so he dropped a few oz. (hehehe) actually i guess they lose some weight after they are born. He's at 7lb 1oz as of tonight. The neurosurgeon took a look at him and said things looked good, but they have to keep a close eye on his back and head to watch for swelling. His head looked fine today. Leigh is doing well, shes never been this tired though, so we gotta get her to sleep and rested. But its hard to trade time spent with the G-man over sleep. I for one needed some sleep that didnt included a horribly designed "fold-out chair/futton" so i scooted home for a couple hours and crashed on the couch for a few to get my head back into things. Sure is a nice to live so close to the hospital.
So all-in-all another brilliant day with our son! Thank you for your Aprayers, we just pray tonight that Greyson will rest well and continue healing.
Praise God for this little guy!
The 3 Gibbs'
PS the picture with my eyes closed was the only one of her in it that she approved of, so obviously i dont really have a say in that. :)
This is Leigh...I fell asleep before I could read it last night so I'm just adding my two cents.. :)
I got to change his diaper!! I know this may not sound so amazing, but for a mom who really only gets to "look" at her baby, changing a diaper is one HUGE thing! It was actually one of the scariest things that I have ever done. :) He has to be on his stomach and they really don't want him to move around at all so it takes some effort, but I loved every second of it! I also got to wipe his face a few times (we've got a drooler) and help the nurse pick him up to weigh him. Pretty mundane tasks but I loved every one of them! Andy has become a real pro at taking his temperature. Thank you all SO much for your prayers and well wishes, we just love our little man SO much and can't wait for you all to meet him!!
He is so adorable! I love his chubby cheeks!!
I am so glad yall are doing well! He looks great. Awesome that you might get to give him a bottle tomorrow!! Gage didn't get one for a while so I was surprised when he took to it and nursing like he did. I also know how those "mundane" tasks feel. Our nurses were really good to let us take those over when we were there. It felt good to do those normal "mommy" things with him...keep it up! Get some rest guys!
I am just so happy for you and to see your perfect looking little boy. My husband and I just read your blog and are excited for our own day to come in 10 days. Hope our little guy does as well. All our best. Congrats on the surgery and getting him off the vent.
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