We'll today is coming to a close and what a day it has been!!!
We are glad to report that Greyson was a brave and strong little boy during his surgery this afternoon. The procedures went well and the opening in his back is now closed and so the healing process begins. The doctors say he's got to be on his belly for 5-7 days in order for him to heal properly. There is a 10 cm incision on his back, that admitedly looks like he got roughed up in a knife fight or something, but its quite incredible what the neurosurgeon and plastic surgeon have done to repair the defect. And so tomorrow we will know everything there is to know about our little guy...oh wait, nope not that easy :) There will still be a lot of waiting and seeing and still a number of uncertainties. But this time we've got the cutest little g-man to wait with us. It truly is an amazing feeling to become a parent. It's really not "real" to us yet, due to the whirlwind of events today, but WOW! the love we have for this little guy is bustin' off the charts!
And truthfully with our deepest sincerity we can't thank everyone enough for their constant love and prayers throughout the day. it's Truly incredible to see people from all walks of life come together to love on a tiny, chubby cheek little guy.
A guy we call, Greyson!!!
kinda cool to call him Greyson huh? although, G-man is pretty cool too.
please keep those prayers coming, tomorrow is another day filled with its new and exciting challenges!
love to all,
Leigh, Andy, Greyson
I am so excited for you both! What a beautiful, precious boy! You will see that he will teach you so much. Christian has been such a blessing in my life and has made me a better person. I can't wait to hear more about Greyson.
Yvette (babycenter SB mom)
Great news Andy & Leigh, good job. Greyson looks awesome! I am glad to hear things went well and hope & pray that they will continue to go well. Thanks for keeping us all posted.
Congratulations, guys!!! I teared up seeing that little sweet, chubby face. It brings so much back! He's beautiful! Don't forget to take care of yourselves over these next couple of weeks.
Jessica (Yahoo SB mom)
Hi Leigh & Andy,
Although I've never met you guys, I can tell you are going to be amazing parents!
You're right, these little babies have lots of "unknowns", but I have to say, those "unknowns" are what make life so much more exciting and valuable with them in it!
Greyson is so lucky to be born into such an incredibly loving home. He is a beautiful blessing!!
Congratulations! Greyson is beautiful and I love those chubby cheeks.
oh guys he's beautiful... you're in my prayers
peace, grace and love
oh guys he's beautiful... you're in my prayers
peace, grace and love
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