Wow the fourth of July has come and gone already... We're a little slow to get some new photos of the Holiday Weekend up, but here's a few!
The weekend was great, we started by going to the parade. Grey didn't care too much about it, but he was into giving everyone hugs (we weren't complaining)
Here he is giving his cousin Olivia a great big one :)

We made our way to the park for lunch...and took pictures (big surprise) :)
Not too long ago Grey's therapist brought over a mobile stander. What's a mobile stander? Well it helps Grey work on standing, but also allows him to move around freely, because it has wheels. I'll be honest, when i saw it I was like "oh man, that thing's a big giant contraption, how is grey gonna work this thing?" WE'll it took Grey about 2 seconds to figure this one out and he was off! He loves it! So while we were at the park we took over the tennis courts and he showed us his moves. He's really good at it! :)
this is what it looks like.

I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda hard for both Leigh and I to see the stander, i mean it basically resembles a wheelchair and it was just one of those weak moments we had as parents. But when Grey was in it, laughing and smiling it kinda didn't matter anymore. He's amazing and I love him!
Here's a short video of him showin off.
Ohh yeah and we celebrated with fireworks!

Love to all,
Andy, Leigh, Grey