Wow the fourth of July has come and gone already... We're a little slow to get some new photos of the Holiday Weekend up, but here's a few!
The weekend was great, we started by going to the parade. Grey didn't care too much about it, but he was into giving everyone hugs (we weren't complaining)
Here he is giving his cousin Olivia a great big one :)

We made our way to the park for lunch...and took pictures (big surprise) :)
Not too long ago Grey's therapist brought over a mobile stander. What's a mobile stander? Well it helps Grey work on standing, but also allows him to move around freely, because it has wheels. I'll be honest, when i saw it I was like "oh man, that thing's a big giant contraption, how is grey gonna work this thing?" WE'll it took Grey about 2 seconds to figure this one out and he was off! He loves it! So while we were at the park we took over the tennis courts and he showed us his moves. He's really good at it! :)
this is what it looks like.

I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda hard for both Leigh and I to see the stander, i mean it basically resembles a wheelchair and it was just one of those weak moments we had as parents. But when Grey was in it, laughing and smiling it kinda didn't matter anymore. He's amazing and I love him!
Here's a short video of him showin off.
Ohh yeah and we celebrated with fireworks!

Love to all,
Andy, Leigh, Grey
oh my gosh guys, we are just starting the world of standers and I wasn't sure what a "mobile" stander looked like. Your posts are always so timely!! I know Grey had a stationary one, can I ask did insurance okay both or were you just borrowing the first one? It looks like he really loves it and I LOVED watching him go. He's getting soooo blond, such a cutie!!! all the best, Holli
mobile stander expert! so cool to see him moving around so fast.
Oh, my gosh!! Look at him move in that thing! It's like he's been doing it all his life, what a pro! I'm so in love with his blonde locks, what an angel. Big hugs for that step for you guys. the thought of all the 'aides' always sets me off. We're not there yet, but I'm already prepping myself: it's best for him and it gives him freedom, right?
Wow, he looks so happy, and such a pro! I can understand you being apprehensive at first - but he's certainly having fun with it!
WOW!!!!! Look at him go! You guys really lucked out-your PT let you borrow that?? We had the hardest time finding one for Nate to try. We were going to get one but we thought they were only prone-um, apparently not. Hmmmm, maybe I'll have to talk to my PT about getting this one after all! Way to go Grey!
Okay, upon further inspection I realize it actually is prone. Darn it!
We love Zach's stander, I understand how you feel! But to see him so happy in it is awesome! Grey is doing awesome getting around, isn't it amazing how fast they pick it up!?!
Focus on the smiles! Parker, errrrrr I mean Grey is getting HUGE! I LOVE HIM!
The stander is awesome look at him go. He looks great...
That is amazing! He sure know's what he's doing. I'm sure he just loves that little bit of independence. Your posts are always so inspiring! Things to look forward to for my little Charlotte!
Leigh and Andy,
He is so adorable!! He looks like he is doing so well in the mobile stander!! Most importantly having fun. I can't believe how quickly he learned how to use it! What a smartie pants:)
That is awesome!!! I love it, love it, love it. Go Grey! I can't believe how fast he caught on to it. He is amazing.
I can't believe how well he did and SO quickly! They have been putting Annabelle in one for about 10-15 mins each week at PT. She is still so sticking small/short that it has to be modified :-0 Although it's hard to see them in it at first it's exciting to see how fun it can be for them. GO GREY!!
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