Since Grey was about 11-12 months, we started using this little push toy. At this point he couldn't bear weight at all and I was doing ALL of the work. He wasn't shifting his weight, wasn't swinging his legs, and wasn't supporting himself. This was the beginning. Lots of work for mama, and lots of learning for Grey. Each time that we did this, I would say "shift your weight, swing your leg" he never did, but that little mind of his was starting to get it. :)

Next, his PT, Liz, brought over a gait trainer. Not Grey's finest moment. :) He wasn't a fan of this gait trainer and all of the "extras" that came along with it. Liz decided that it wasn't the right time. Good decision. :)

THEN...Liz suggested that we get a pair of knee immobilizers. Grey was still having trouble bearing weight for longer then a few seconds, his knees would just buckle and we weren't making much progress. His ortho didn't want to go with KAFOs (knee, ankle, foot orthotics) just yet (which I understood) but I felt like that left Grey hanging. Unable to do the things that I knew with a little more support, he would be able to do. The knee immobilizers were the next best thing! (Although, I was so excited when I ordered them, that I forgot to check the "male" box and they came with fairies on them...oops! Sorry Grey!
Once his immobilizers were here, we started working more on standing on his own, taking side steps, and being upright way more often. Then, during one PT session, Liz brought that gait trainer back...without all of the "extras" just to see what would happen. Much to our surprise...Grey started getting it! He still needed help with shifting his weight, but he was bringing his left leg forward all on his own! So exciting!!
Then, in December, we made a huge decision and decided to try out a new therapy place. 1 plus 1 Therapy
A decision that I was so nervous to make (sorry, Amy!) has turned out to be so good for Grey. Grey gets to do things there that he has never been able to do jumping,

standing without leaning on something,

moving forward on all fours,

After that first week of going to 1 plus 1, his Early On PT, Liz was back over and we were trying out the walker again. This time he was shifting his own weight and swinging both legs forward all on his own! He still needed a bit of support at the waist but he was doing it! Now, after a month at 1 plus 1, he is starting to 4 point crawl, and no longer needs any support when using his walker, although we do still need to push it forward for him. Army crawling is still his perfered method of getting around, but more and more I see him on all fours taking a few "steps" that way.
So, that is some of what we have done leading up to this point. So many people have helped Grey, but above's Grey's strong will and determination that have gotten him to where he is. He is the best!
leigh, i don't know if i commented on your last post with the video, but i showed it to all of my family--crying the whole time. i'm so happy for grey (and for you all)--what an amazing accomplishment by such a little guy!!
Wow - that is just AMAZING. Everything you did to keep him going and trying new things - I'm so jealous of all your therapy resources and cool places Grey (and Carson) have been able to utilize. What a blessing. I am so proud of you guys and just beyond thrilled for all Grey is accomplishing. :) He is Superman.
I too am jealous of your awesome therapy resources! That is fantastic and amazing, amazing, amazing! Go Grey - what a fantastic "step" in the right direction.
Oh, throw me on the pile of jealous mama's! Congratulations to you for all of your hard work! You and Grey (and I'm sure Andy!) are so inspiring and so amazing.
You guys are amazing!! Greyson is such an inspiration. Like I said before I'm so glad my little Gray has such awesome role models to look up to!!
thank you so much for sharing the "how to's". you are ALL so inspiring. I too would like to pick up and move to Michigan right now to try out all your new therapy tools and resources, that strappy hangy thing looks scary and cool, ha,ha but all in all I think the lesson here is that we just have to believe and keep pushing a little for our little ones to show us what they can do. Often its more than we've dreamed of. Way to go Grey---you are awesome (just like your mommy and daddy)!!!
I am SOOO thankful we live in such an awesome area. We are not here by accident, that's for sure! It's hard to know when it's the right time to do which therapy but I think you're doing an awesome job! I can't wait to see what more amazing things Grey will do! I'm so glad Lewis has him to look up to in the years to come :)
All that hard work paying off! It's amazing! It's great you have such great resources - but you put in ALOT of hard work before that too!
You are all so inspiring!
So awesome!!!Way to go sweet Grey.
wow! I love this post! it's so great that you are documenting so many things! I am so proud of you and Grey! I can't wait to see what he'll accomplish next. i miss you guys at therapy- can i stalk you at yours? :)
WOW! That is super cool, and it looks totally fun too! It's awesome when PT can be beneficial AND fun!! Way to go Grey!
amazing!!!! amazing!! thanks for giving the background its amazing to see God direct that!
Grey - You ROCK!!! I love that kid. He's got some pretty amazing parents as well. :) Happy New Year to you guys. I hope the best of 2010 is the worst of 2011. Looking forward to another great year of watching Grey achieve amazing things.
Amazing Amazing Amazing. Grey is so lucky to have such an awesome mom who won't give up and won't stop trying and won't stop pushing. OK and a dad too! =] Love you guys!!!!
THANK YOU for this wonderful post! I have tears in my eyes, but I have loved reading about Grey's progress. Our daughter (also born with SB) is just about 9 months younger than Grey, and it warms my spirit to see him do things and know that Amelia will be OK.
Amazing, Thanks for sharing
I have to agree, I am very jealous of the opportunities for PT that Grey has available to him. But so proud of his progress! Way to go Grey!!!
Very cool! Is this "spider therapy?" Our PT offers this - excited to see my little one try it out when she gets older! Awesome!
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