Then I guess we have to put on a smile. A smile was a hard thing to come by from both LEigh and I this evening as we found out the little guy indeed will need a shunt :( We knew it was coming, it was almost like we were just trying to squeak out another week, or two or a month... we were hanging onto anything. It seems pretty heavy and hard to bare right now, and although we say to ourselves "Really, one more thing God, you really think we can handle one more thing?" we trust we can make it through.
Oh yeah, I guess I should return to my previous post and remind myself that life includes detours...and guess what? the traffic is backed up and we have to go around somehow. And we will, we'll navigate through this one and reconnect with the road soon enough.
This surgery, which is scheduled for 7AM this thursday, is "a piece-of-cake" by comparison to his closure surgery a couple weeks ago. The kicker for us being we got to take this little guy home and discovered we loved him even more than when he was first born!!! So to see him go thru another surgery is obviously going to be very difficult for us.
So with surgery come risks of scary things, things the neurosurgeon "roboticly" spewed at us. I just have a feeling most neurosurgeons just aren't the life of the party, or someone you'd particularly want to have a bite to eat with. (any neurosurgeons reading this, I apologize...keep being brilliant and helping babies like ours) We pray our surgeon again is at his best, and nails the procedure! So as scared as we are now, we've already been reminded that we are not alone, and we find comfort in this. Thank you to all, we love you and really need you these days.
On a lighter note... after coming home from work I needed to hold my boy badly. Leigh had just finished feeding him so i snatched him up, and layed on the couch with him on my chest. It was great...until I heard i rumbling in his throat. I tried to move, but it was too late, he spit up big time, right down my shirt!!! yep, I'm officially a dad. :)
love to all,
the Gibbs'
I'm sorry you guys couldn't dodge shunt surgery any longer. It is always hard to hand your sweet baby over to strangers and trust that it is the best thing for them. It really is, though. Yeah, neurosurgeons- we call ours the 10 second doctor because that's the max amount of time we get to talk to him. He's good at what he does though, so I don't care if he has a personality or not.
^^sorry, I posted under my husband's name! That comment above is from me.
Oh yes, Andy, spitup is now just a fact of life :). As for the neurosurgeon thing, I really think it applies to ALL surgeons! We got sent to Tommy's surgeon when he was six days old thinking he had a hernia. Well, the surgeon came in, felt around, and was like, "its definately not a hernia, its some type of mass, likely cancerous." Said it with a totally straight face, walked out of the room as Tom and I were dumfounded and hysterical at the same time. He ended up being a brilliant surgeon and my feeling is that they have to do such delicate surgeries on such little bodies, all their energy HAS to go to that. There's no brain-powere left for tact or bedside manner, and I'm okay with that. They are incredible at what they do, and Greyson will be in very, very capable hands. We will continue praying for you guys. This will be a distant memory before you know it :)
Ohhh, I am sorry to hear that it has to happen. But like you said, it is just another detour on this fantastic journey you are on. We will pray for God to guide the neurosurgeons hands and for everything to go well. In the mean time, get as much snuggle time as you can!
Kathi in Holland
Sorry to read Greyson will need the shunt surgery. It's funny, but we were told that a few times, too, that it is a "relatively minor surgery". Neurosurgeons are an interesting folk.
I've been enjoying reading your updates and seeing Grey's pictures. What a CUTIE!!! I will be sending up a prayer for him (and you both) on Thursday.
Andy and Leigh and Greyson, I'm sorry to hear that the time for a shunt has come already. I am praying for all of you and especially for littel Greyson. He's strong boy and will do great! Know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. I will be waiting for you to post that everything went wonderfully! Give that litte man a squeeze for me! Nurse kristen
We are just behind you on our journey. We are just at day 8 in NICU. We should be going home once we learn to cath. Our little guy is doing great. He did get the shunt and it is relieving to know that they is a procedure to help him. I am so glad to read about your neuro comments. It must be a universal feeling. Hope that Greyson continues to do very well.
I accidently posted under my mom's account just now so I deleted it (it would have been confusing. lol) You just keep staying positive! You're little boy is going to be fine and in your arms ready to come back home before you know it. You guys are strong and obviously your little Greyson is too. :) We will say a little prayer for him and his surgery...i'm getting really good at praying for little angel boys. :)
This is Nic (mom of SB baby Alex). Your post made me laugh and tear up at the same time. You are so right about the neurosurgeons! Ours told us right before Alex's shunt placement not to worry because it's not like it's brain surgery. It really is a relatively common procedure and you guys will pull through this. Remember that you are not alone and God will be with you three every step. We'll be praying.
I love the picture, he is definately a cutie. Dave and I have been praying and will continue too. Love you both and can't wait to meet little g-man. :-) A. Dar
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