He can...
count to 50
count backwards from 10-0
knows all of his letters and the sounds that they each make
with help, starting to sound out easy 3-4 letter words
knows all of his shapes (even crazy ones that I barely know) and how many sides they each have
can spell his name (first and last)
knows where Michigan is on a map

I am just so amazed by this kid every single day. When we were told that he had spina bifida, we were immediately told that he would have brain damage and would be cognitively delayed...He is constantly proving them wrong. :) Take That Spina Bifida!!
He is loving school more and more everyday (and he has always loved it, so that is saying a lot!) He has always talked his teachers' ear off, but he is finally starting to talk with his classmates more and more. He joins in when they are doing a song with motions (this is new), and will now play with his friends. I just love peeking in on him when I pick him up...he is always having such a great time and makes my worrying heart feel such peace and happiness. I pray that he always loves school as much as he loves it right now.
Lately he has been saying some pretty hilarious things. Just tonight at dinner he said "I'm sorry I can't give you a second wish, mommy." Huh?!? I have NO idea where he got that!!
Here are a few more of his most favorite sayings...
"I'm sorry I scared you, mommy" this one is said all. day. long. Just randomly throughout the day. Pretty sure that came from a Mickey episode
"I sure can!"
"I sure did!" Both said VERY confidently and loud!
"what's wrong with this picture?" this is another one that he just says out of the blue...not idea why.
and the best...
I was pointing to a little bump on his thigh and asked him what it was. his response..."that must be my shunt!!"

Hope you all are happy and healthy!!