As we sit here tonight, on the first day of 2012, I can't help but think back to some of the highlights of 2011.
*you may want to grab a cup of coffee for this one, I can't guarantee that this will be a short post. :)
January started off with Grey doing more standing with his knee
immobilizers and becoming more and more comfortable on his feet.

January was also the month that Grey met "2 Orie" as he is known today.
Here he is showing off his love for both of his Ories...can't sleep without them. :)

In February, our little baby turned 2. I still can't believe it. He is almost 3 and I
am still getting used to the idea of him being 2!

March brought Greyson's first pair of KAFOs!! We were so excited to get
these. They have changed Grey's life...for the better, and we are so thankful
that Grey is able to do so much while he wears them!

In April, we went to Florida with grandma and grandpa Neal, uncle Jake and
aunt Jenny, Parker, Kendall, Olivia, and Mallory...Grey had a blast with his cousins!!

Grey also discovered his love of numbers and large books. :)

May was a big month for us! Grey wore his first tie!

He helped me celebrate Mother's Day!

He also helped me decorate his room...

and started sleeping in his big boy bed!

June was spent walking outside...

getting his very own wheelchair!!!...

and visiting with friends who we wish we could see everyday...

July was spent relaxing at the pool...

taking swimming lessons...
and going on vacation with grandpa and grandma Gibbs,
uncle Jim and aunt Emily, and of course, baby Evan. :)

FYI: "baby Evan" is not really considered a baby anymore, but Grey will
ONLY refer to him as "baby Evan" and tries to hug and pet him any
chance he gets. They are the cutest. :)
August was spent just being cute. :)

In September our little guy started PRE-SCHOOL! I know, I still can't believe it!
Such a big boy he is! He is LOVING it and everyday there, is his "best day yet!"
according to his teachers! We are so proud!

October was spent getting ready for our first Stroll 'N Roll for the
West Michigan Spina Bifida Organization! It was a HUGE success!!

Grey was also an astronaut for Halloween and is still asking us at least
3 times a week what we are going to be for Halloween. :)

No pictures for November :( Grey was busy doing another session of Therapy at 1 plus 1! Everyday for 2 hours! A very busy month!
December was spent making his first snowman...

celebrating Christmas with Emily and Carson at the WMSBO Holiday Party...

and spending time together.

We were so incredibly blessed in 2011, and I am praying for a happy and healthy 2012!!
Each night Grey says in his prayer...
"Thank you that I am strong, thank you that I am healthy, thank you that I am happy..." (with a few other random 'thank yous' mixed in) :)
We could not be more grateful for our sweet little boy, he truly is the biggest blessing. I know that 2012 will be a big year for him...turning 3, going to preschool more than just one day a week, and most likely discovering that he isn't just like everyone else. My prayer for this year is that he will remain healthy, happy, and strong. :)
Much love and many prayers for your 2012 as well!!
Andy, Leigh, and Mr. G