Boy oh Boy is it great to be a mother!! :) Earlier this week, Andy informed me that he and Grey needed to go to Aunty Em's house (Andy's sister) for a little "mother's day surprise". I assumed that they were going to be doing something involving clay...maybe a clay handprint or footprint. Maybe Grey would try his hand at the potter's wheel (Emily is quite the creative type and has all of these fun toys at her house.) Turns out, I was quite wrong! :) This morning I received the best Mother's Day of a kind artwork from my very talented one year old!! Here we are this morning showing it off.

Andy also made me a "making of the artwork" book full of photos of their night. Oh. My. Goodness. These pictures are HILARIOUS! Emily made Grey a beret that apparently he wore the entire time. He is just too cute!

Here he is getting started. He knew just what to do. Dip in the paint...and...

Go crazy!

All of the best artists have mustaches...Grey is no exception. :)

It's a good thing that he had this painter's smock on, he may have gotten more paint on it than the canvas!

Such a cutie, even with the painted on mustache...

Needless to say, he had a bath before coming home. :)

Thanks for all of your help uncle Jim and Aunt Emmy!

Here are some other pictures from today...Mommy and Grey

HA!! What an adventure trying to get the perfect family picture. This is us trying to get Grey to look at the camera (that was propped up on our garbage can, the neighbors must think that we are nuts!)

Ah, there it is. Our happy family!!

I hope that you all had as great of a Mother's Day as I did. I have been so blessed with such a great husband and son. God is good!! :)
Happy Mother's Day, Mom! and Mom! We love you!!