Grey is on his first summer vacation! This past Friday we came up north to Mitchell lake (or Lake Mitchell, we're not quite sure) with my family to get some much needed R and R. We have been having a great time and Grey has been enjoying many firsts...
His first ride on (and steering of) a paddle boat...
His first time tubing (with mommy holding on VERY tightly!)
His first time on a water slide (he LOVED it!)
His first time being SO exhausted at the end of the day that he can't even make it to his bath and pjs before falling asleep!
Overall, we are having a great time and Grey is loving the water as much as his daddy! We Just LOVE experiencing all of these "first" with Grey and hope that he is having as much fun as we are! We hope that you all are enjoying your summer as much as we are!
Love to you all,
Leigh, Andy, and Grey