Ok, technically, we didn't actually go anywhere, we've just been a bit busy doing who knows what and haven't had time to post. Not too much has been going on around here. Grey had a check up with his neuro last week and all is well!!! Grey and his shunt are doing fantastic! WOO HOO!! Dr. Foody did mention that he wants Grey to have a baseline MRI done before his next visit (Sept.) just so we can see how everything looks while Grey is "happy". I totally understand why he wants this, but the mom in me is a bit nervous. First of all they will have to sedate Grey for the MRI...no fun! Secondly, there are many things that could "pop-up" on an MRI. Dr. Foody will be looking for any signs of a tethered cord (something that can be common in kids with SB, the scar tissue around their lesion site can build up causing the spinal cord to become tethered, or pulled down), syrinxs (fluid buildup in the spine, kind of like hydrocephalus of the spine), and he will also be looking at the extent of Greyson's arnold chiari malformation (this is the cerebellum being pulled down a bit and what caused Grey's hydrocephalus...the whole reason that he needs his shunt). Like I said, Grey is doing great and shows no signs of any of these things, but I'm his mom so of course I worry. Andy and I just continue to pray that our little guy stays just as strong and healthy as he has been, and that nothing new will "pop up".
Grey has started back up with his therapy at the Conductive Learning Center, he had 4 weeks off for summer and now he is back at it! We have been working on sitting (he's getting VERY good), kneeling, and gettting in and out of the sitting position. We are so blessed to live close to such an amazing place for Grey's therapy.
We also had a family reunion a few weeks ago and were lucky to get a 5 generation picture taken! Grey got to meet many of his relatives for the first time. I think that most of them probably felt as if they already knew him just from reading this blog! (Hi everyone!!!)

It's been an amazing summer so far...we're looking forward to the second half!!!
Please continue to keep little Grey in your prayers and we will continue keeping you updated! :)